Sunday, September 17, 2006

Journal Entry #1

It's finally here.

The Good and Bad of Web Cameras for Computers

Web cameras or “webcams” is a camera that is usually attached to a computer and used for taking videos and storing them on a computer and sending live video feed. This modern-day communication technology is very useful for a lot of people. A webcam allows distant relatives and friends see each other as long as they have an internet connection and it can be used by people who need to conference with other people around the world but can’t be there. They can also be used for sending pre-recorded videos to friends, family members, and co-workers. Other uses of webcams are to give live video feeds of traffic so that traffic reports can be accurate and quickly constructed. Another use is to use a webcam to record what goes on in the room when you are not there (for example, you may want to watch the baby sitter with your child while you are at work). Webcams are also used for much more in everyday life.

Although the webcam seems to be very beneficial, there are also many negative points about it. Your webcam is connected to your computer which can be entered by an unauthorized user which means they can view whatever your webcam is looking at. This is a serious invasion of privacy and a serious concern if you are unaware of it. There are several ways to misuse a webcam. Some teenagers have been using webcams to send videos online to people they know online. You have absolutely no reassurance of the true identity of people you meet online; therefore sending a video of yourself to strangers is really dangerous to your privacy and well being. Also, some teenagers participate in live video feeds from their computer which is also just as dangerous for the same reasons except it’s even worse. This is because anyone can access the site where the video is being streamed live.

Just like any modern-day communication technology, if used correctly it can benefit you and if used incorrectly, it can be dangerous.


Blogger Aude Sepere said...

I personally dislike -personal-. webcams.

(It's due to a mix of paranoia and lack of self-confidence.)

Anyways, webcams are extremely useful in everyday life; yes, I'm talking about traffic reports. We hear them every morning, we hear them when we come home. I mean we may not have a huge need for them now but when our generation has to drive to work every morning we'll be thankful for those webcams.

It's true that teens can set up live video feeds for just about anyone who stumbles upon their site.

That's -their- problem.

In a way when teenagers use webcams like that, they're just begging for their privacy among other things to be threatened.

"Just like any modern-day communication technology, if used correctly it can benefit you and if used incorrectly, it can be dangerous." Mmhmm.


11:40 AM  
Blogger aims said...

Like AJ, I too dislike webcams. I see no point in owning one. I guess there are some good reasons like checking up on traffic or seeing long distance relatives, but its not all that neccessary. For webcams I think the bad outweights the good. Anyone can see what's happening on your webcam and that is a total invasion of privacy!

10:48 PM  
Blogger Largo said...

Hi Jonathan,

Great Entry. Very well reasoned and written. I will evaluate all 6 when completed. Also, great commenting, you two!

Keep it up,
Ms. Largo

12:23 AM  
Blogger L3st3r A.k.A S1n1st3r said...

Wow you made me so scared that I actually disconnected my webcam for a little while until my brother connected it again. >_<

Knowing that it could be accessed while connected to my computer is very disturbing. But since I have relatives that live on the other side of the world, it is nice to use a webcam and see them without actually being there.

I don't know what to think about has its advantages and disadvantages so it's really what you use these equipments for and how you use them that counts in the end.

Very cool blog! =)

5:22 PM  
Blogger Justine T said...

Hey jonathan! I was just switched to your class from Ms. Huebner's class. I absolutely think your blog is amazing, by the way! And nice Greenday song. About your journal, I actually rely on webcams a lot, especially because my parents are always outside the country doing business projects and whatnot. I simply connect the webcam and a mic, then Voila! With regards to the invasion of privacy, I personally never knew how dangerous it could really be. Thanks for the new information... I am definitely disconnecting my webcam as of the moment. I, unlike AJ, rely on webcams a lot for personal reasons such as the one I've mentioned above. The saying has proven itself true, "With the good comes the bad." Keep on posting Jonathan!


3:59 PM  

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